Well, I'm thinking in start again here :) What you think?
Finally I'll get my new PC, so, I'll be able to take some pics to show here. I hope you all enjoy again my blog. Where I'm going to show also RL things, we all need nicer world to live, isn't it? So, let's do our best to make it works.
Now, I'm using new name at SL: Bomboclat
Well, don't care, I'm still Flor Held haha. It would be nice to meet you in SL. Why not?
I'm also thinking in make a event, which I really need help. Theres anyone who knows how to make one? I will be waiting :D
I hope I could change some minds showing the truth! Oh, it's hard thing, yes, but I do my best! Are you happy in seeing me here, please do not make me feel alone here hahhahahahahahah comment? Please! :D
I lost all my stuff at the older PC, it sucks. I think I changed a little my appearence, But I hope you still like me as same person UHASHUHUAS even I'm thinking in go back to my old skin style: White woman. I still didn't tryed "Japanese" girl. It would be fun, why not? Also, I can speak Japanese very well :D What do you think?
So, thank you for visiting me! Keep in touch ok, bye <3
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